Audience involvement
Here is a series of video come launch at last month, from a Sweden environment organization Rolighetsteorin which is run by Volkswagen, cars company.
Rolighetsteorin shows some easy way to change people’s behavior to better by making it fun to do. They call it the fun theory.
Världens djupaste soptunna The world's deepest dustbin
Throwing garbage in a garbage can instead of on the ground should not reasonably be so difficult. Surprisingly, many still people fail with this. Can we get more people to throw rubbish in the bin instead of on the ground by making it more fun? The result you see here.
Pianotrappan Piano Steps
"Take the stairs instead of escalators or elevator and feel better" is something you often hear or maybe read in Sunday attachments, but very few people have followed this advice. Can we get more people to walk over the stairs over on a normal day in Stockholm, by making it more fun to take the stairs? The result you see here.
In their website, they create a competition,
Tävlingsregler Competition Rules
Find your own evidence that happiness is the easiest way to get to the changes and improvements. For yourself, the environment or whatever you want. The contribution is presented with a text description and a visualization of the idea, which can range from simple pencil sketches and photos to photo or film of a prototype. You decide how to make your contribution fairest.
Their website written in Swedish, I get translation by google.transtlate.
Many people have a dream to contribute the World to make our earth better, but most of us give up this dream when we grow up. Creativity and Art is the most beautiful thing in human. I do think organize a activity to ask people to involve the game and art is much more meaningful then hold a dead painting exhibition.
In New York, Improv Everywhere is an organization believes in “organized fun”. They has executed over 85 missions involving thousands of undercover agents which encourage a large group of citizen to join their idea and game.
Here is the mission of Improv Everywhere
“Our missions are being a fun source of entertainment for the participants, those who happen to see us live, and those who read this website. We get satisfaction from coming up with an awesome idea and making it come to life. In the process we bring excitement to otherwise unexciting locales and give strangers a story they can tell for the rest of their lives. We’re out to prove that a prank doesn’t have to involve humiliation or embarrassment; it can simply be about making someone laugh, smile, or stop to notice the world around them.”

This month some of my friend joined TOYS (Take off your skin), is a large-scale collaborative dance-performance and media art form during Melbourne Fringe 2009. Over 100 performers and many others infected the streets of Melbourne as a mass clone explosion. Simultaneous cloning occurred in Newcastle, Darwin, Brisbane, Nagoya and even at the Venice Biennale.
For me I think that if you want to change people behavior, you have to change their thought first, when you see the same icon walk in everywhere can make you review your life, is it many same icon in the earth, am I unique? Bring us to this entire philosophical question J
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