Assignment 3: Visual Art Blog
Written for Performing Arts sector of Arts hub
Next February Training to be a Circus woman
“When you think of a circus you think of people standing around juggling but it’s not like that — it’s really involved, it’s far-reaching and it actually does change people’s lives. Being a part of that is really exciting.” Women’s Circus general manager Dianne Toulson
Join Circus, it sound like a joke from childhood but circuses are still around and they're still as fun as ever. To join circus you don’t need to have an extraordinary talent, only you want to break out of your usual work routine, you can consider joining a circus. The New Women’s Program is designed especially for first-time participants in Women’s Circus. It is an introductory class that gives participants a basic introduction to as many aspects of circus as possible, and that pays special attention to building trust and establishing safe ways of working. We are currently accepting women for the 2010 waitlist. There are no prerequisites to take part in the program and for the last few years, all women on the “waiting list” have joined the training program.
That is a funny opportunity to join the program as we can know more the issue behind circus; the life experience is not something you can find learn in internet. After the program, you will understand yourself more, you may find that work in circus is not your cup of tea, or that is your dream work.
Outreach coordinator Annemarie Ferguson said, “People can get quite frightened by it because they don’t know what they’ve come into, but that’s more about the unknown. Once we get them in the space there’s a lot of laughter and people unwind and relax. “We had a 92-year-old woman swinging on the trapeze. She likened it to an orgasm she hadn’t had in a very long time.”
New Women’s classes are two hours long, you would taught Aerials, Acrobatics and Acrobalance, Juggling, Hula Hoops and Stilts and participants come to one class a week. In 2009, New Women’s classes run Wednesday to Friday nights and Saturday afternoons. Training takes place at Drill Hall, 395 Barkly St, West Footscray.
To do classes at Women’s Circus, you must also be a member, which covers you for insurance purposes and gives you voting rights at the AGM. The cost of a one-year membership when joining for the first time is $65 (full-time worker) or $55 (concession). Membership renewal for 2009 is $25 (full-time) and $20 (concession). Payment is due before or at your first class.
To register for the 2010 New Women’s Program, send your name, address and phone number to and you will be emailed an invitation to join the program in late 2009.
Noonan, A. (2009, September 9). WOMEN RUNNING AWAY TO THE CIRCUS. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from Southern Star: